IBK setter Chen Shintong names road corporation OH Batista
And the team that put the uniform on Jangwi that everyone wanted was Pepper Savings Bank.
The 2024 KOVO Women's Asian Quarter Draft was held at the Jeju Sun Hotel at 3 o'clock on the 1st. Since the 29th, 29 players have participated and been evaluated by each club through medical tests, physical ability tests, interviews, and practice matches. Hyundai E&C renewed its contract with Wipawi and Jeong Kwan-jang with Mega, and five clubs nominated new players on the day.
In the women's Asian quarter draft, teams ranking fifth, sixth, and seventh will select players first. Pepper Savings Bank won 30 marbles (40 percent), Korea Expressway Corporation won 25 marbles (33 percent), and IBK Industrial Bank of Korea (26.7 percent), which ranked fifth. The drawing result of Secretary-General Shin Moo-chul showed that the black ball from Pepper Savings Bank came first. In the following drawing, IBK won the second prize and Korea Expressway Corporation the third prize.
The remaining four teams (GS Caltex, Jeonggwanjang, Heungkuk Life Insurance, and Hyundai Engineering & Construction) each put 20 beads and drew lots. Among them, since Jeonggwanjang and Hyundai Engineering & Construction have renewed their contracts, only GS Caltex and Heungkuk Life Insurance will be nominated.
Heungkuk Life Insurance contributed first in the second round of drawing. As a result, the nominations will be made in order of Pepper Savings Bank → Industrial Bank → Korea Expressway Corporation → Heungkuk Life → GS Caltex.
The No. 1 Pepper Savings Bank coach, Jang Chi-yeon, was the first to call Jang Wi's name.
Even before the tryout, Zhang was considered the most promising candidate for the first place nomination. She displayed her charms to the fullest on the field. At the second practice match held on Thursday, Zhang displayed a clear advantage of height. While collaborating with Chinese setter Chen Xun-tong, he displayed overwhelming performance by displaying fastballs, moving attacks, and blocking. He was evaluated as a player who can adequately help both offense and defense, as he has an advantage in height and can block key strikers, and can add solid fastballs.
Pepper Savings Bank initially thought of a middle blocker, but the Korea Expressway Corporation looked at the outside heater. The IBK was originally going to renew its contract with Ponpoon, the setter, but when Ponpoon withdrew his application, it tried to find a new setter.
However, after watching Jang's overwhelming performance for two days, the Korea Expressway Corporation and the Industrial Bank of Korea also revised their strategies to select Jang if they choose the first choice.
Eventually, as Pepper Savings Bank took the top spot, the other teams returned to the direction they originally planned.
Industrial Bank of Korea head coach Kang Ho-cheol chose Chen Shintong (30, 1m77), a Chinese setter, while Korea Expressway Corporation head coach Kim Jong-min picked Kazakhstan's outside heater Unieska Robles Batista (31, 1m89).
Head coach of Heungkuk Life Marcello Avon Danza said he expected to pick a setter, but changed his direction and chose Chinese middle blocker Hwang Lu-rey (28, 1m96). Lee Young-taek, the new coach of GS Caltex, chose Australia's outside heater Stephanie Wyler (1m95).
As a result, a total of seven Asian quarter players, including three Chinese players, one Kazakhstan, one Australian, one Indonesian, and one Thai, will play in the 2024-2025 season.
After completing the Asian quarter draft, the women's team will immediately start a tryout for foreign players. From the 6th to the 11th, the team will search for the ace to lead the team to the championship in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.
BY: 메이저 토토사이트
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