Non à la fermeture de l'aéroport de Mascouche CSK3


/ #173 Re: Re: Et le plomb

2013-02-13 05:30

#156: Alex Courchesne - Re: Et le plomb

En effet à Neuville ils ont construit l'aéroport à 200 m D'une maison en enlignant la piste par exprès en plein sur la maison. On appelle ça comment des gens de la sorte? Moi j'apelle ça des %@&$! Et je m'excuse mais le LOW lead c'est relativcement l'ancien avgas si on le compare au gas des auomobile des années 80 qu'on a pourtan banni, le AVGAS des avion a un contenu encore plsu élevé en plomb. Et les avions sont la pire source de plomb dans l'athmosphère.

Et miranda continue le même paragraphe en disant ceci qui est très important: So those are my top three. Lead exposure from aviation gasoline near airports doesn’t make it into my top three, but as I said before, lead is a known neurotoxicant, and while the increases in childhood blood lead levels that are associated with living near an airport where leaded aviation gasoline is used are relatively small, they’re important in the sense that you’re increasing the body burden of a neurotoxicant in a child.

Elle dit aussi ceci: MIRANDA: Lead is a known neurotoxicant and is especially problematic for young children. We’ve known that lead is a neurotoxicant for a very long time. People have been working on lead exposure for a very long time, and the more research we do, the more we understand there does not seem to be a safe limit or a threshold for exposure to lead. So exposure to lead is just a bad idea. If we can find ways to decrease children’s exposures to lead, moving forward on those types of policies is important for protecting our children.