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Ce sujet de conversation a été automatiquement créé pour la pétition SUPPORT THE LEZARD KING BAR / SOUTENONS LE BAR LEZARD KING.



2011-06-12 15:21

je pense pas pouvoir être à Paris le 3 juillet, mais j'espère pouvoir voir cet établissement un jours. Dire qu'ils n'ont pas eu de scrupule à tenter de vendre Light My Fire pour une pub !!! Tous mon soutiens à Christophe.... GAETAN



2011-06-12 15:45

The King is dead...All Hail to the King!


#28 The king is dead,All hail to the King!

2011-06-12 16:49

ON NE DIT PLUS: Fan des Doors
DéSORMAIS ON DEVRA DIRE: Fan de Jim Morrisson.
Tous les commentaires précédents sont justes,pas la peine d'en rajouter
On est tous de ton côté Christophe,Longue vie à toi et à ton Bar.
Merci à tous les Fans qui boycotteront le concert,je trouve que c'est un putain de symbole envers Christophe,le Bar ce qu'on croit rester d'un groupe mythique.
Fier de toi Titi!
Gilles Yéprémian


2011-06-13 01:51

Les paranos qui n'ont pas les couilles de montrer leur nom
sur cette pétition sont d'un ridicule.

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2011-06-13 05:25

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2011-06-13 07:21



2011-06-13 21:13

La idea de que "The Doors" no quieren asociar su imagen con un bar donde se venden bebidas alcohólicas es ridícula. Para eso tendrían que eliminar las letras de muchas de sus canciones de su catálogo, empezando por "Whiskey bar". Es una actitud hipócrita que Ray Manzarek haga apología de las drogas y, a la vez, el grupo o sus abogados muestren esos escrúpulos respecto al consumo de alcohol. El bar es un lugar de reunión para los fans de "The Doors" y los que acudan a ese bar son personas adultas, a las que nadie les debe decir lo que tienen que beber o no beber.
Considerar que el nombre del bar, el uso de fotografías y los nombres de las bebidas infringen los derechos de autor es una interpretación excesivamente estricta de ese derecho y no tiene ningún sentido. En mi opinión lo que pretenden los abogados con esa carta es asustar al propietario y tratar de llegar a algún tipo de acuerdo económico para sacar algún dinero. Dudo mucho que la amenaza de cerrar el bar se concrete en una demanda real ante los tribunales franceses.
Te deseo mucha suerte, Christophe en tu lucha contra "The Doors corporation" y si voy alguna vez a París, pasaré a tomarme una cerveza a tu bar.

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2011-06-13 21:20



2011-06-13 21:38

c est parfois triste de vieillir !!



2011-06-13 23:13

Ce bar doit vraiment être perçu comme un hommage à ce groupe culte et pas comme un simple lieu de "beuveries". Espérons que Ray Manzarek et Robby Krieger le voient aussi de cette manière.



2011-06-14 00:21

Alex Patton


2011-06-14 12:49

Now I know why it is that I have been getting drunk so many times over the last 38 years. It's because Jim Morrison was associated with alcohol and The Doors were my fave band. Here I was thinking it was because I was a pisshead and actually it's all Jims fault.
I can sleep better now knowing it wasn't my fault...phew!



2011-06-14 13:03

Honte à Manzarek et Krieger ! Pour leur infamie, le fantôme de Jimbo viendra les hanter dans leur cauchemar jusqu'à leur mort ! Jimbo ne laissera jamais faire ça. Il a déjà pris possession des lieux car il ne peut que se sentir bien dans ton bar.

"Where are the feasts
we were promised
Where is the wine
The New Wine
(dying on the vine)

#39 COLERE !

2011-06-14 13:19

(refusant de me cacher, je remet mon post)

Honte à Manzarek et Krieger ! Pour leur infamie, le fantôme de Jimbo viendra les hanter dans leur cauchemar jusqu'à leur mort ! Jimbo ne laissera jamais faire ça. Il a déjà pris possession des lieux car il ne peut que se sentir bien dans ton bar.

"Where are the feasts
we were promised
Where is the wine
The New Wine
(dying on the vine)


#40 Re: david-r

2011-06-14 22:18

#1: -  

 robbie,ray!!!!!if you incur lawsuits,you go to hell.lamentations of james douglas morrison



2011-06-14 23:06


Change Lezard king to Burger king

Show me the way to the next Burger king

Don't ask me why



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2011-06-15 13:59


#43 Alas...

2011-06-15 14:22

#1: -

Business is business...

This is nothing but the reflection of our society. And it dates back to The Romans or even earlier.

To Some people, Jim is a God, to others it is money ? Who is your god ? What kind of a society would you like to live in ? What kind of a god would you like to rule your world ? Christophe apparently chose passion. He was afraid his dream of opening a Door dedecated bar might not come true if he asked permission.

What if he asked permission  to the living Doors now (or at least to Jim's heirs) ? Would they oppose to it ? I'd be eager to know  Krieger and MAnzarek personal opinions about it ?

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2011-06-15 15:02



2011-06-15 23:18

Des lieux de ce type font partie du patrimoine culturel musical de Paris. L'historique des Doors, groupe mythique, et du légendaire Jim Morrison qui vécut jusqu’à la fin de sa vie à Paris sont partie intégrante du "Lezard King". En quoi cela peut-il déranger ou intéresser les avocats du groupe, soudainement si longtemps après. C'est de la pure malveillance La moindre des choses et de ne même pas s'en mêler et de laisser vivre les souvenirs ainsi que les autres librement...
Et c'est malheureusement vrai...!!

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2011-06-15 23:22

Stand Up!

#47 Re: Alas...

2011-06-16 01:09

#43: Stepslo - Alas...

You know, ' B.' is something, 'God' is a different thing, some believe in one, some others in both, some in none, and many in a variety of other major themes and concepts related to life or passions. Summarizing shortly such wide concepts in a tentative to make out of them a so called philosophical approach is wrong... Too short is too easy - and your reflection lacks of consistency and rational arguments.

This is not the issue. We are talking about preserving a musical & cultural heritage belonging to the city of Paris (city of lights, of monuments & architecture, city of landmarks,  city of art, of literature, fashion...)  beloved by J. M. This little landmark is the "Lezard". what's the fuss suddenly with the ex group members, the lawyers, and so on. They are all bloody wealthy, well off and have no need for grabbing more, and especially from the smaller and the weaker. A proper gentleman attitude would have been to visit the place, to show themselves around and to give their moral support with generosity to the modest and decent owner of the bar, to show respect to J. M. their leader, singer, poet, as he was the leading figure, much ahead of them artistically and culturally speaking. He is not here anymore, so leave things as they are... this what they should do. Do not tell me they have a sudden love or affection for the dead, or that they are trying to protect their image (which they do not have, as they have done nothing since a while!)... it is all about greed power and money.

Van Morrison ("the man", great singer, writer and poet) said : "Music is spiritual. The music business is not."

To conclude I'll just add two quotes from J. M. hoping you will revise and eventually amend your position.  J. M. wrote:

"If my poetry aims to achieve anything, it's to deliver people from the limited ways in which they see and feel."

"Death makes angels of us all and gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as ravens claws."


Take care & be cool...

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2011-06-16 16:01

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2011-06-16 16:06

Victor H.


2011-06-17 11:56

I doubt that The Doors have the right for the word combination "Lizard King", neither in english nor in any other language, for any business there is.

I doubt that you have to ask anybody for permission if you want to display a picture of Jim Morrison or even Ray Manzarek or even The Doors logo on your wall, be it at your home or in your bar.

I doubt that you have to ask for permission, if you want to name a drink, your dog, your cow or your car Light My Fire or Twentieth Century Fox. Did some certain members or associates of The Doors ever know that Jim took quite a few Doors songtitles directly from book titles or film titles? Even the title "Riders On The Storm" is only a slight variation of the song title "Riders In The Sky" by Vaughn Monroe. Does Ray remember that even musically "Riders On The Storm" is based on "Riders In The Sky" and on "Mercy, Mercy, Mercy" by Cannonball Adderly? Sue them, Joe Zawinul! I bet you will win! Don't wait until they accuse YOU that you stole the music from The Doors!

Money beats soul 24 hours a day
- Jim Morrison